Key Policies and H&S

A selection of School policies are listed below.

A full list of policies can be obtained by contacting the School Office.

Please click here to see the latest Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. We also an information booklet for visitors to our school to read with safeguarding information on. Please click here to read the leaflet.




 Health and Safety

The Governing body and staff of the School are committed to upholding the highest standards of care and safety in the School.  Many staff are registered First-aiders and in the unlikely event of serious accident, parents are informed of the details.  We ask that parents ensure the School office has an up to date contact number in the event of an emergency.

Regular visits by Lancashire Constabulary ensure children are reminded about this important subject. 

Cycling Proficiency training for all children aged 9 years and over takes place each Summer Term.

Mawdesley St. Peter’s School received a Health, Safety and Well Being Audit Report in December 2014.


Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) 2022-2023

There is a statutory requirement for all maintained schools to complete the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS).

There are no employees whose gross salary exeeded £100k

Here is the link for for the self assessment benchmarking tool.