Our London Trip by Jack H and Alfie

Date: 5th Dec 2016 @ 10:29am

BEEP BEEP!!! We woke up at 5:15am in the morning (Wednesday 23rd November). We woke up with sudden excitement shivering through our bones, because today was the day of London!

We arrived at the train station (7:45am) still shivering with excitement; eventually all our friends arrived and we could all feel the tension and excitement around us as we headed to the platform at Preston Station.

As the train arrived we all boarded and it was our first time on a virgin train. The trip was around two hours, but it didn't feel like that long, we had a blast on the train; playing cards, top trumps and more fun games.

When we got there we got off the train and rushed to the underground station, were we got on the underground tube. As we set off we got thrown from one side of the carriage to the other. When we got off at Embankment station, we were in the big city of great London - we set off for our lunch at the Rainforest Cafe.

After a super long walk we were starving and arrived at the Rainforest Cafe. We went down to the second floor and ordered our food, which was delicious. Afterwards we were off again on another long walk. On that walk we saw the London Eye, which was massive, and a very skilled man, blowing gigantic bubbles around the area.

Afterwards we went to see BUCKINGHAM PALACE! The Queen was in residence, when she was in residence the beautiful flag was raised.

After Buckingham Palace, we went to walk down The Mall which was amazingly red! After The Mall we went to see where the Queen's guards did the trooping of colours, the place was called the Horse Guard Parade, it was our first time in London and we were enjoying it so much!

Later on we saw one of the Queen's guards sitting on a highly decorated horse. It was available for the public to see. As well as that, Mrs Wilson took a picture next to the guard and horse; but of course the guard kept a straight face.

The tour kept on going on and on and we saw Downing Street and everybody was fascinated by this place in London. It was our first time seeing Downing Street in real life, we've only seen it on the telly. The Prime Minster (Theresa May) was doing PMQ's.

Finally, we went tot see the House's of Parliament were we got our passes for upstairs. As we took our coats off and made our way to the Autumn Statement. On the way we had an amazing talk about the suffragettes and the history of Parliament. Afterwards we saw Seema Kennedy again and had another amazing talk.

As we left Parliament and rushed back to our train we found out that our train had broken and got seated on a different train and had our tea. As we made our way home we thoroughly enjoyed our day

By Jack H and Alfie